Korean Parent Outreach
KPO (Korean Parent Outreach)/ 한인 학부모회 is a part of the PTSA at Sunny Hills High School
KPO is an organization that was established by Korean PTSA members at Sunny Hills High School to assist Korean parents needing help with understanding student curriculum and thus supporting their students better. The cultural differences and language barriers often hinder the parents’ motivation and participation such as school activities and volunteering. KPO has bridged the gap between Korean parents and PTSA and enhanced interactions by updating monthly translated newsletters from the PTSA meetings. It also has been a messenger for parents who have experienced difficulties obtaining access to current information. KPO appreciates and welcomes any parents who would want to work together and support PTSA.
The monthly meeting date of KPO is the first Thursday at 9 am each month except Jan. and May.
KPO 는 서니힐서 고교의 PTSA 에 소속되어 있으며 학생들의 학과 과정을 잘 이해함으로 자녀들의 교육을 더욱더 잘 도와줄 수 있도록 보조하는 단체입니다. 문화적 차이와 언어의 어려움으로 학교의 활동과 봉사활동에 참여하기가 불가능할 때가 자주 있읍니다. 이러한 어려움은 Main PTSA 미팅 내용을 즉각 알려 주므로 도욱더 온화하게 이루어지고 있읍니다. 또한 최근 정보 제공 역할도 합니다. 한인 학부모회는 같이 도와서 일하실분을 항상 환영합니다.